Sunday, January 28, 2007

Jamie's visit ..Es Schneit!!

Laughter makes ur cheeks soo Big!

Jamie is a fellow traveller from Melbourne, Australia who is currently working in the Australian Embassy in London and came to see what Germany was about.

We had a great time seeing it snow in a town for the first time. Like little kids, we could not get enough of the schnee! We were walking the cobbled streets of Schwaebisch Hall, trying to catch the flakes on our tongues, hiking up to the top of the valley and sliding down on card board.

Me doing a couple of tumbles

Just us and our cardboards (you can see all of Schwaebisch Hall in the background)

The local park in Winter time

A few weeks before the snow

Einlander cafe (I think that's what it's called) beside the park

Top of the valley

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