Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The Business of Life

Rye Pier, Port Phillip Bay,Victoria, Australia

"..Profits should not be the goal of economic life, Mr. Drucker contended, but rather an indicator of how businesses were doing in motivating their human resources to produce goods and services of value to consumers. " www.businessweek.com

Mr. Drucker viewed nonprofit groups as leaders in the knowledge-driven enterprises that would characterize all economic activity in the future.

But while management practices had been getting better, charities still had room for improvement, especially in producing results, if they were to retain the confidence and trust of the American public. Without that, their existence -- and their ability to promote greater social equality -- would be in jeopardy.

"Convert donors into contributors," urged Mr. Drucker, meaning that if nonprofit groups are to acquire more financial resources, those who give will need to feel more like participants. And learn how to offer volunteers a greater sense of "community and common purpose," he wrote.

I believe if you teach somebody how to work, they'll feed themselves forever, and that's what I want to do. (Ira Fulton)

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