Friday, December 22, 2006

I dream of a Polish winter

I spent 5 days with my good friend Mario who lives in Poland and had an awesome time, really thankful for his parent's generosity and him for showing me the best of his city. I cannot put in words the experience, and the beauty of Poland small towns is amazing. The people there are great and fun to be around with and if you can speak Polish, even easier to strike up a conversation on the streets with strangers.

As you can see from the photos, it was sunny all through my trip, except on the last day when it rained a little. I have never seen such a beautiful blue hue of sky before, we never get that colour back in Australia. Mario took me out to his Uni's PR Symposium, photography club meeting, Bangladesh student's Independence Day celebrations, and see his friends in Krakow. Thanks so much Mario woo hoo see you in Spain!

Experiencing a Polish Winter
Beautiful blue winter skies
was cold though
european style kicks ass
what used to be a holiday house for royalty

Yummy! Lukaz and me at PR dinner thanx for
Polish beer and Vodka!

All together now
Polish passion Marta and Mario
Spider, the gentleman
Mario and Veronica's looking at you kid


Mario said...

Hey man!
It was great to see you again and see you enjoyed Poland - which I'm glad for:)

See you soon in Spain :)
Let's our friendship continue!:)
Take care!

Anonymous said...

Tung I will kill you for that photo!

Tung said...

stab me in the heart,
and only with love

Anonymous said...


Honestly, it is really beautiful picture :)